In the beginning of October track laying started on the Jokiranta extension. Earlier this and last year the old track was dismantled and the trackbed was cleared all the way until the Syrup Factory.
At the moment about 100 meters of newly built track is already ready and there is another 250 m to be built this autumn until the fence of the Syrup Factory will be reached.
The building goes on by constructing one rail length (20 m) at the time. First new sleepers will be placed on sand ballast. After this rails are moved on their place with the help of the work train. The the rails are attached to the existing track and nailed on their place. There are 29 sleepers for one rail length of a track.
After laying rails the track is ballasted on the outer side of railway sleepers. Later on, after the winter the track will be finally aligned and ballasted.
Because of the on going track work there are work trains running almost daily on Minkiö-Jokioinen line and also sometimes on Minkiö-Humppila line. Everyone crossing the railway should pay a lot of attention and stop and check for the trains!