During the past week the first phase of track extension project was finaly completed. The work started eleven years ago in October 2007, when the Humppila Road level crossing was rebuilt. The now completed first phase is a little bit more than 400 m long.
Before the work started the track still had old worn out 22 kg/m rails of Jokioinen Railway and all sleepers were badly rotten. Year by year there was less and less traffic on the track and the last time a motor trolley travelled the track was around year 2000.
Last week bushes were cleared next to the Humppila Road level crossing and the last 60 m of track was laid. The railhead is now about 20 m from the fence of the Syrup Mill. The track has to be still ballasted and tampped before it is fully completed.
When the second phase starts the track will be laid on the old roadbed by the Syrup Mill to the river Loimijoki, where a passing loop and a platform will be built for a new end station of Jokioinen Museum Railway. The work on the second phase will start when funding for it has been secured.